Ecopower is proud to sponsor Mullinvat Camogie. At Nowlan Park on 13th May the U12 team (pictured) played at half time during the Camogie Leinster Finals.
Global Wind Day is a worldwide event that occurs annually on 15 June. It is a day for discovering wind energy, its power and the possibilities it holds to reshape our energy systems, decarbonise our economies and boost jobs and growth.
The newly launched public information campagin called “Reduce Your Use” will supplement the Government’s cost-of-living package and inform consumers about ways in which they can save energy. article on reduce your use
Wind Energy Ireland have launched a new video, Creating Jobs, Supporting Communities, which profiles four Irish companies working today in supporting the development of Irish on and offshore wind farms. The video, and the KPMG research, highlights that wind energy isn’t just about cutting our carbon emissions – as critical as that might be – but as Declan Corrigan at WTE sums up at the end, “Wind energy in Ireland is about much more than a wind turbine spinning at the side of the M7. It means salaries. It means investment. It means growing local businesses and it means more funding for local communities”.
ECOPOWER is delighted to support Mullinavat Camogie Club through sponsorship of two sets of jerseys for the U10 and U12 teams. Photographed representing their club & their teammates are Ellie Mae Aylward, Evie Wall, Lucy Aylward & Bria Wall. ECOPOWER is proud to support girls’ participation in sport locally. Supporting healthy bodies and minds. Building friendships, teamwork, joy, commitment and happiness.
Eirgrid operates and develops Ireland’s electricity grid. This includes interconnecting to neighbouring grids and running the wholesale electricity market. Eirgrid ensures that everyone has power when they need it, at the most economic price possible.
The grid safely brings power from generators to the ESB network that supplies every home, farm, community and business in Ireland.
Eirgrid are making the grid ready to carry 70% of Ireland’s electricity from renewable sources by 2030.
This week Eirgrid have opened the Laois Kilkenny Community Benefit Fund. Read about it here
“As the world gathers in Glasgow to tackle global warming, Ireland has publishing the Climate Action Plan 2021. This plan sets a roadmap for taking decisive action to halve our emissions by 2030 and reach net zero no later than 2050, as committed to in the Programme for Government.”
The Climate Action Plan has been published and is online here:
An infographic booklet is also available here:
Chapter 11 is the electricity section and the targets for 2030 are identified as:
Actions are listed on pages 99 and 100.
To meet the required levels of emissions reduction by 2030, we will: