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100% Green Electricity

from Ecopower


Windfarm Portfolio

Ecopower operates five windfarms in Ireland, comprising 43 wind turbines with 40MW of installed capacity combined at:

Name:Raheen Barr Windfarm
Location:Castlebar, Co. Mayo
Turbine Type:Vestas V52
No. of turbines:22
Installed Capacity:18.7 MW

Raheen Barr Windfarm

Name:Derrynadivva Windfarm
Location:Castlebar, Co. Mayo
Turbine Type:Enercon E48
No. of turbines:10
Installed Capacity:8.5 MW

Derrynadivva Windfarm

Name:Derrynadivva Windfarm Extension
Location:Castlebar, Co. Mayo
Turbine Type:Enercon E92
No. of turbines:3
Installed Capacity:6.8 MW

Derrynadivva Windfarm Extension

Name:Rahora Windfarm
Location:Listerlin, Co. Kilkenny
Turbine Type:Enercon E48
No. of turbines:5
Installed Capacity:4.5 MW

Rahora Windfarm

Name:Shannagh Windfarm
Location:Kilcar, Co. Donegal
Turbine Type:Enercon E44
No. of turbines:3
Installed Capacity:2.5 MW

Shannagh Windfarm