Climate Action Plan 2021
“As the world gathers in Glasgow to tackle global warming, Ireland has publishing the Climate Action Plan 2021. This plan sets a roadmap for taking decisive action to halve our emissions by 2030 and reach net zero no later than 2050, as committed to in the Programme for Government.”
The Climate Action Plan has been published and is online here:
An infographic booklet is also available here:
Chapter 11 is the electricity section and the targets for 2030 are identified as:
Actions are listed on pages 99 and 100.
To meet the required levels of emissions reduction by 2030, we will:
- Reduce CO2 eq emissions from the sector to a range of 2 to 4 MiCO2 eq by 2030
- Carry out a work programme to identify a route to deliver 1.3 TWh of zero emissions gas (incuding green hydrogen) by 2030, potentially equivalent to 0.2 – o.4 MICO2 eq abatement
- Increasing the share of electricity demand generated from renewable sources to up to 80% where achievable, without compromising security of electricity supply
- At least 500 MW of these renewables will be delivered through local community-based projects subject to competition as appropriate
- Deliver circa 2 GW of new flexible gas fired power stations in support of a high variable renewable electricity system
- Delivery of three new transmission grid connection or interconnectors to Northern Ireland, Great Britain and the EU
- Explore further interconnection, including hybrid interconnectors (combined cross border transmission network with offshore renewable generation) to other countries
- Expand and reinforce the grid, through the addition of lines, substations and new technologies
- Complete the phase-out of coal and peat-fired electricity generation
- Ensure that 20-30% of system demand is flexible by 2030