100% Green Electricity

from Ecopower

Your details

Your Details
Meter Details
Direct Debit Details
Confirm Details
First name
Last name
Address of Premises to be Supplied Eircode Finder
Billing Email Address
Confirm Billing Email Address
We will use this Email address to send you communications about your switch to us.
Phone/Mobile Number
Current Electricity Supplier
Are you homeowner, landlord or tenant?
Landlord's Name
Landlord's Phone/Mobile Number
Other Information

I would like to set up a joint account
Adding a joint account holder will give them joint ownership and responsibility for the account. They will also be named on the bill.

First name
Last name
Email Address
Confirm Email Address
Providing a Joint Account email is optional. If provided we will send communications about your account and the monthly bill to this email also.
Phone/Mobile Number

I would like to add a nominated user to the account
Adding a nominated person to your account will allow them to access your account on your behalf.

First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Confirm Email Address
Providing a Nominated User email is optional. If provided we will send communications about your account and the monthly bill to this email also.
Phone/Mobile Number

25% Discount Price Plan Terms

  • 100% Green Electricity
  • 25% Discount on our Standard Unit Rate
  • 1 Year Fixed Term Contract
  • Pay By Monthly Direct Debit
  • Email Billing

Our Tariffs are available to review here

Need Help Switching?

Call our switching team:
056 78 00572

Or we’ll call you back
Contact phone number: